Dadoc was modeled after pre-digital era archiving systems, which used cabinets to store data. All information you need, can be found there. Combining facts and figures deposited on different locations, produces a detailed and multi-faceted picture of a person or an event in a wider context full
of interconnections.
In quite the same way Dadoc presents a glimpse into a world of information, in which data from various sources constitute a new whole. What lies resting in these cabinets, however, is sound. Melodiously spoken snatches of sentences and lines of thought, accentuated by electronically produced rhythm patterns, are the basic components of an electro-acoustic composition. By opening the doors of different cabinets the audience can isolate and filter distinct sound layers from the sonic complex that lies enclosed in the installation. Each visitor can discover new significance and associations that the Dadoc cabinets reveal in correlation. These cabinets don’t store data or objects, they provide storage for sound and music.
The installation, conceived by the Swiss designer Christian Grässli and the Dutch composers and sound artists Jeroen Strijbos and Rob van Rijswijk, consists of ten woorden cabinets that are placed in a darkened room. Each individual Dadoc contains a loudspeaker. When a visitor opens a door, sounds emerge and the carefully designed loudspeaker becomes visible in the light shining inside the cabinet.
Dadoc can work as an autonomous platform and stage for different electro-acoustic compositions. One of the main themes in the works of Strijbos and Van Rijswijk is the research into ways of composing musical processes that the audience can give a new coherence and shape. Many of their compositions are not fixed, but dynamic and changeable. Like other installations they have made, Dadoc blends organically with the architecture of the space where it is placed.