No Man’s Land

No Man's Land, The Hague, The Netherlands

14 Mar 2012 - 1 Oct 2012

In No man's land dance and acrobatics merge to become one language. The performance reveals the group process of 5 people on a piece of disputed territory. What begins as a tense tug-of-war to determine the survival of the fittest gradually becomes a subtle balancing act. A fascinating performance that examines social codes, where everyday movement evolves into poetic dance material and acrobatics test the boundary with dance. In No man's land the experienced dancers Miquel de Jong and Ryan Lawrence join young acrobats Galatée Auzanneau, Timothée Belime en Marius Pohlmann. On November 11, 2011 No man's land had its premiere in the Ridderzaal in The Hague in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen. The performance was part of the events celebrating two hundred years of judicial power in The Netherlands which culminated in the handing-over of two publications to Her Majesty the Queen. This handing-over formed the climax of No man's land.